capon|capons in English


[ca·pon || 'keɪpən]

castrated and fattened rooster (for eating)

Use "capon|capons" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "capon|capons" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "capon|capons", or refer to the context using the word "capon|capons" in the English Dictionary.

1. Capon caponisation caponisations caponise caponised caponiser caponisers caponises caponising caponization caponizations caponize caponized caponizer Caponizers caponizes caponizing capons Words with capon in them (1 word)

2. Capons synonyms, Capons pronunciation, Capons translation, English dictionary definition of Capons

3. Of experienced Caponizers, the time required to keep capons be- fore they are large enough to market, the disease hazards involved, and the large number of slips usually found in capon flocks

4. This is for chinese Capons! He has asked about Wapsie Produce and American Capons

5. Guess Mr. Capon isn't everyone's cup of tea.

6. In fair round belly with good capon lined.

7. Capons are a very old tradition

8. Capons – Free–range Capons are even more flavorful than roasting chickens and turkey and as easy to roast as a chicken

9. Capons are, without doubt, the best poultry you’ll ever eat

10. Larger Capons may not be available off season.

11. Small Capons weight about about 4-6 lb

12. Capons fatten better in pens than in batteries

13. Capons are surgically caponized, 8 to 12 lbs

14. Fill Capons and pack tightly, placing seam side down

15. Capons in Kansas usually return the greatest profits when

16. Pour duck sauce over Capons and smear gently until evenly coated

17. Christmas dinner is built around horsd'oeuvres, various kinds of pasta, capon and turkey.

18. Notice: In the past we have grown antibiotic free Capons.

19. Capons: These are male chickens that have been surgically castrated

20. Order Farm-Fresh Holiday Turkeys and Capons from Pallman Farms

21. Capons are fed and managed similarly to other young growing chickens

22. Pallman Farms has been producing Capons and Thanksgiving turkeys for three generations

23. Caponizes caponizing caponomics capons caporal caporals caporegime caporegimes capos: Literary usage of Caponiers

24. Marans are also supposed to be good Capons and have excellent flavor

25. Capons are great for roasting but can also be used for braises and poaching